Leading footcare professionals will share their expertise and thoughts on the hot topics from the world of diabetic foot with the launch of the new EDFN podcast series.
Different aspects of diabetic footcare will be in the spotlight as we invite experts to talk about the key issues facing those working in this field.
First up in the Talking Feet series is EDFN committee member Dr Paul Chadwick, a Consultant Podiatrist and Clinical Director at the Royal College of Podiatry.
The main focus of Dr Chadwick’s podcast is offloading, which he describes as “the Cinderella of diabetic foot disease management – it’s the thing that often gets missed out in terms of the management of diabetic foot.”
He talks about the importance of improving training and access to total contact casts and non-removable knee-high walking devices, and the barriers which prevent vital early offloading.
“Offloading is key, and the early intervention and instigation of offloading will make a massive difference in terms of healing,” he said.
Dr Chadwick talks about how, like many others, his interest in pursuing a career in podiatry stemmed from intervention from a podiatrist at an early age.
He also discusses one of the main challenges facing those working in diabetic footcare – re-establishing the prevention of diabetic foot and making sure that regular diabetic checks and foot protection programmes get back to “working at full throttle”.
Dr Chadwick outlined some of the EDFN’s plans for the coming year, including a leadership programme for podiatrists and developing CPD opportunities.