Online demonstration of thermography device that assesses foot health

A webinar is being held this month to demonstrate a new thermography scanner that can be used by podiatrists for the monitoring of diabetic foot ulcers and the planter foot.

Podium uses thermal imaging technology to check for early signs of inflammation, monitor progress of pathology or current interventions, and compare the progress of different treatments.

The team behind the device, Thermetrix, is holding a webinar on June 27 at 5pm, when CEO Dr Russell Payne will give a demonstration of the features of Podium and discuss how it can support foot health.

Access the webinar here.

All webinar attendees will get 15% off their first Podium purchase.

This latest event follows a previous webinar from Thermetrix which examined the use of thermography to help identify diabetic foot ulcers early. Use the details below to access the webinar:

Link to webinar recording. Passcode: z?Bm13Nx

Visit the Podium website here.

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