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Health inequalities, wound care and mental health services are just some of the topics that will be covered by leading experts at the EDFN’s upcoming nati...
Healthcare professionals with an interest in diabetic foot problems are invited to the longest-standing international diabetic foot conference. The 19th Malvern...
A call has been made for members to join a diabetes committee to advise on a NICE guideline. The organisation is looking for diabetes specialist podiatrists and...
The use of smart socks to monitor temperature in a bid to prevent foot ulcers proved to have a high rate of compliance, a study has shown. American researchers ...
Healthcare professionals involved in decision-making and patient care around GLP1RAs have been invited to attend a specialist webinar. ‘Foot disease and osteomy...
Growing the EDFN’s membership so that it includes everyone involved in limb salvage is one of the current aims of the network, its Chair has said. Speaking in t...
Diabetic foot ulcer episodes are linked to all-cause mortality and all-cause inpatient hospital admissions, according to a recent study. Conducted by the virtua...
A scoping exercise has found that podiatrists with prior knowledge and training in diagnostic musculoskeletal ultrasound are able to make rudimentary reports on...
Severely reduced estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) is “strongly” associated with poor prognoses in people with diabetic foot osteomyelitis (DFO), a st...
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Our members get access to the latest best practice in diabetes footcare, we share what works to speed up the improvements to care pathways and clinical care.
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Engage with footcare professionals in our interactive online forum, where you can set up topics, pose questions, gain feedback and share ideas.
Our network is dedicated to improving footcare for people with diabetes through the provision of high-quality education for professionals.
Leading names from the NHS and research will be featured in this new podcast series, which supplements our news and education services.
Get up-to-date with the latest research and clinical breakthroughs through a series of educational and informative webinars.
Latest news
Catch up with all the new developments involving diabetes footcare in England.