Talking Feet: Second episode in the new EDFN podcast series

Consultant Vascular Surgeon Naseer Ahmad joins us for the second EDFN podcast, discussing the role of the vascular surgeon, inequalities around lower limb amputations, and the relationship between vascular surgery and podiatry.

Dr Ahmad, from Manchester University Foundation Trust, specialises in complex lower limb surgery that often prevents amputation. He is also Deputy Chief Clinical Information Officer for the Trust, and is Director of both Manchester Amputation Reduction Strategy and Greater Manchester Aneurysm Screening Programme.

In the latest EDFN podcast, Dr Ahmad talks about his research into the “huge inequalities” in amputations. He examined data from 100,000 amputations across England over a 10-year period and made some key findings:

  • There were three times more amputations in men than women
  • There were 70 per cent more amputations in the black population compared to the white population
  • There were 30 per cent more amputations in the north of England compared to the south of England

EDFN committee member Dr Ahmad said: “The thing about inequalities is that there’s an inherent unfairness in it and it’s the unfairness that I want to address and fix.”

He also discussed the Wound, Ischemia, foot Infection (WIfI) criteria and how non-vascular colleagues can use it to help surgeons like Dr Ahmad assess a critical foot.

The Talking Feet podcast series features leading footcare professionals and academics as they share their expertise and thoughts on the hot topics from the world of diabetic foot.

Listen to Dr Ahmad’s podcast here and access the Talking Feet series here.

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