CPD module: Diagnostic Imaging in the Lower Limb

A CPD module in imaging is running at the University of Brighton this November, covering x-ray, diagnostic ultrasound and MRI.

The module, which is aimed at healthcare professionals interested in lower limb diagnostic imaging, includes the health and safety regulations governing the use of ionising radiation (Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2017 (IR(ME)R)) associated with diagnostic imaging.

It also allows students to consider the application of diagnostic imaging techniques in the diagnosis, assessment and management of foot and lower limb pathology.

Entry requirements: Applicants at level 7 must possess a bachelor degree or equivalent in a relevant subject.

Assessments: Students will be asked to complete a written assignment addressing the use of imaging in practice pertaining to their own area of clinical practice.

The dates of the module are November 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25. If you are taking this as a single module, the fee is £874.

Contact SHS-CPE-Admissions@brighton.ac.uk for further information about the module or read more here. 

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