Having advanced diabetes podiatrists in every Trust will reduce diabetic foot complications, expert says

To treat the pathophysiology of the diabetic foot every hospital Trust should have an advanced podiatrist in charge of coordinating diabetes foot care, a consultant physician has said.

Speaking at the Diabetes UK Professional Conference 2024, Professor Michael Edmonds, from King’s College Hospital in London, has revealed that people with diabetes and foot problems are more likely to have an amputation and experience tissue loss or death if they are living in deprivation.

Research presented in the session has shown that people living in deprived communities have less access to treatment, will often miss health appointments and are more likely to need expensive emergency treatment.

To resolve these issues, Professor Edmonds is calling for every NHS Trust to have a credible MDFT, which would include at least one advanced, or consultant, podiatrist.

In addition, he is urging NHS Trusts to organise their efficient referral pathways and to use the ACT NOW checklist and acronym in practice – Accident, Change, Temperature, New pain, Oozing and Wound.

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