Meet the Speaker: Amputation rates ‘strongly related’ to diabetic foot service provision regardless of deprivation rank

The findings from a peer review of diabetic foot services in South West England will be explored at the EDFN National Conference on April 26th.

Dr Richard Paisey, Honorary consultant Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust, led a review evaluating whether effective diabetic foot care in the community is related to lower major amputation rates in 47 reviews.

Dr Paisey, who is also diabetes foot care lead for NHSE SW, will present the findings, which show that higher rates of diabetes-related major amputation occur in areas where general practice review and community podiatry accessibility are poor, regardless of deprivation rank.

He will discuss how there is often a wide range of quality of provider services within ICBs and how the quality of general practice review and community foot protection varies widely across southern England.

About the speaker

Dr Paisey obtained a degree and MA in Physiology at the University of Cambridge, followed by medicine at Guy’s Hospital.

After postgraduate training in Diabetes and Endocrinology in Southampton, Northwick Park, Bristol and Mexico City, he was appointed consultant physician at Torbay Hospital in 1986. Leadership of the Torbay diabetic foot MDT from 2005 to 2012 with an inspired group of colleagues led to significant and sustained reduction in diabetes related major lower extremity amputations.

From 2013 to present, Dr Paisey led peer reviews of over 30 diabetic foot services in England, leading to three major publications.

Locum consultant lead for integrated diabetes care in North Devon from 2018 to 2020 was followed by resumption of lead for Torbay diabetic foot clinic during the Covid-19 crisis.

He is now honorary consultant at Torbay Hospital, NHS England lead for the South Western region for diabetes footcare, and academic Trustee for Alström syndrome UK.

Reviews of diabetic foot services continue and a major current undertaking is guest editorship of the journal Frontiers in Endocrinology. Diabetes research has included studies in nutrition, neuropathy, metabolism and insulin resistance. 

Register here for the free online EDFN national conference. 

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