Nine “significant” risk factors for lower extremity amputation in diabetic foot ulcer patients have been identified in new research. The meta-analysis of 16 studies taken from Chinese and English data...
A qualitative study which explored the patient experiences of free tissue transfer for reconstruction of diabetic foot disease has reported it can be “positively life-changing” for those affected. Wit...
An experienced podiatrist and lecturer in diabetes care is among the speakers taking part in the EDFN’s upcoming webinar, ‘Upskilling the healthcare workforce in lower limb assessment and treatment’. ...
A simple, non-invasive home test that can detect nerve damage early on offers hope to people at risk of developing serious complications such as foot ulcers and amputations and an early death. Neuropa...
A new study has found the likelihood of amputations relating to diabetic foot disease is “inversely proportional” to the index of multiple deprivation. The research, Socioeconomic Deprivation as a Pre...
The data of people with foot conditions in diabetes who had major amputations has been analysed in a new study to determine the relevant factors which affected the surgical level of amputation. The re...
The use of stem cell therapy has been found to be “significantly” more effective in the treatment of diabetic foot compared to traditional methods, meta-analysis has found. Researchers found that stem...
A vascular nurse consultant and consultant diabetologist will explore the value of podiatrists within multidisciplinary teams at this year’s EDFN conference on April 29. Dr Leanne Atkin, from the Mid ...
Severely reduced estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) is “strongly” associated with poor prognoses in people with diabetic foot osteomyelitis (DFO), a study has highlighted. The authors of the ...